IP Journal of Diagnostic Pathology and Oncology


Table of Contents

Year-2023 | Volume: 8 | Issue 2

Editor Desk

From the Editor-in-Chief’s Desk

Author : Indranil Chakrabarti

Doi :   Page No :

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A retrospective study on cervical cancer screening- In a newly opened tertiary care Centre in Eastern India

Author : Deepika Pandey, Santosh Kumar Mondal, Tummidi Santosh, Rama Saha*, Sujaya Mazumder, Indranil Chakrabarti

Doi : http://doi.org/10.18231/j.jdpo.2023.018   Page No : 83-88

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Case Report

Bilateral multifocal papillary renal cell carcinoma on autopsy: A case report

Author : Ruchi Agarwal, Kulwant Singh, Monika Yadav*, Yogesh Kumar, Bharat B Sidana

Doi : http://doi.org/10.18231/j.jdpo.2023.019   Page No : 89-92

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Appendiceal collision tumor presented as acute appendicitis: A dissonant scenario

Author : Sushma Prasanthi Nagireddi*, Rashmi Shetty, Athira K P, Madhukar Devadiga, Kuladeepa Ananda Vaidya

Doi : http://doi.org/10.18231/j.jdpo.2023.020   Page No : 93-96

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Metaplastic squamous cell carcinoma caricaturing as tuberculous mastitis-A vicissitude of clinical diagnostic misadventure

Author : Kirti Govind Pardeshi*, Hoogar Mallinath Basalingappa, Sameer Arun Kadam, Nakul Sampat, Vaishali Bhonsle, Arvind Govind Valand

Doi : http://doi.org/10.18231/j.jdpo.2023.021   Page No : 97-101

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An unusually extensive orthokeratinized odontogenic cyst: A case report

Author : Sanpreet Singh Sachdev*, Yogita Adhane, Manisha Ahire Sardar, Priyanka Gajare, Tabita Joy Chettiankandy

Doi : http://doi.org/10.18231/j.jdpo.2023.026   Page No : 114-116

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Case Series

Breast hamartoma: A case series of 4 hamartoma cases including a rare myoid hamartoma of male breast

Author : Maviya Afreen Siddiqui, Deepu Mathew Cherian*, Sheetal Dhule, Piyush Prakash Narkhede, Tooba Fatima

Doi : http://doi.org/10.18231/j.jdpo.2023.028   Page No : 120-122

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