Original Article
Author Details :
Volume : 4, Issue : 3, Year : 2019
Article Page : 215-220
Introduction: Intraoperative squash cytology of central nervous system (CNS) tumors is an extremely
important modality. Diagnosing brain lesions by squash cytology has been well documented but less studies
are available about its utility in spinal tumors .
Objectives: Assess role of squash cytology in spinal tumors and correlate with histopathology
Materials and Methods: A total of 20 cases of spinal tumor s were taken over a period of 15 months.
Squash smears prepared were immediately put in 95% ethyl alcohol for 2 minutes for wet fixation and
stained with rapid H and E stain and air dried smears with toluidine blue. The smears were typed according
to the cytomorphological criteria and the cytodiagnoses was compared with the histopathological diagnoses
and a correlation was established.
Results: In our study, histopathology was taken as the gold standard. In a total of 20 cases ,the
majority lesions in our series were Metastatic lesions followed by Schwannoma.The other tumors were
Neuroblastoma ,ependymoma. Results were compared , there was 1 discordant lesion , and Diagnostic
accuracy was 95 % .Highest diagnostic accuracy was documented in Schwannoma, Ependymoma and
Neuroblastoma, PNET .
Conclusion: Squash preparation is a rapid and easy method with fairly high diagnostic accuracy. If
interpreted with clinical picture and radio-imaging findings, will help to reach an accurate and rapid
intraoperative diagnosis in spinal lesions.
Keywords: Metastatic lesions, Schwannoma, Ependymoma and Neuroblastoma.
How to cite : Anita A M, Jahan S, Ramdurg S , Melkundi S, Patil A G, Intraoperative squash cytology of spinal cord lesions with histopathological correlation. IP J Diagn Pathol Oncol 2019;4(3):215-220
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