Evaluation of clinicopathological parameters and its relation with immunohistochemical expressions in breast carcinoma: A hospital based cross-sectional observational study

Original Article

Author Details : Mala Mukherjee, Karabi Konar*, Arghya Bandopadhyay, Shatavisa Mukherjee, Nikhil Era

Volume : 3, Issue : 4, Year : 2018

Article Page : 310-320


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Introduction: Knowhow of HER-2/neu proto-oncogene amplification and/or over expression and presence of hormone (estrogen and progesterone) receptors in tumour tissue is one of the most crucial checkpoints in the therapy of breast cancer. The present study aimed to evaluate various clinicopathological parameters in the mastectomy specimens and to probe for any relation with its immunohistochemical expressions.
Materials and Methods: Detailed clinical examination of the breast and the lump was done and presence of any axillary or cervical lymph nodes was also noted. After clinical examination, tumour size from the mastectomy specimen was recorded; number of lymph nodes was noted. The modified radical mastectomy samples after surgical removal, were fixed in formalin and sent for histopathological examination where tissue processing and staining with haematoxylin & eosin was done. Post mastectomy grading of the malignant breast lesion was done. Immunostaining of the HER-2 protein, Estrogen receptors (ER) & Progesterone receptors (PR) was performed for all specimens. 
Results: The present study showed a significant inverse association between ER and PR expression and higher tumour grades, axillary lymph node metastases and stage. HER-2/neu overexpression is significantly associated with clinicopathlogical parameters like younger age group, increased tumour size, higher tumour grades, and higher clinical staging. Significant association was seen between tumour size and lymph node metastases implying that lymph node metastasis increases with larger tumour size.

Keywords: Breast Carcinoma, HER2/Neu receptor, Estrogen Receptor, Progesterone Receptor.

How to cite : Mukherjee M , Konar K , Bandopadhyay A , Mukherjee S, Era N , Evaluation of clinicopathological parameters and its relation with immunohistochemical expressions in breast carcinoma: A hospital based cross-sectional observational study. IP J Diagn Pathol Oncol 2018;3(4):310-320

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