Original Article
Author Details :
Volume : 3, Issue : 2, Year : 2018
Article Page : 55-59
Aim: study designed to correlate the histopathological grading and IHC of Breast cancers and also to study the expression of stem cell growth factor receptor CD117(c-Kit) in stromal component, myoepithelial cells and ductal epithelial cells of non-neoplastic & neoplastic breast lesions.
Materials and Methods: A study of 50 women with breast neoplasm enrolled and their samples were examined by lumpectomy and mastectomy and fixed for immunohistochemistry with monoclonal rabbit anti-human c-Kit marker. 4-6 microns sections were stained with Haematoxylin and Eosin and grading was done according to modified bloom and richardson grading.
Results: In breast cancer, the expression of c-Kit observed to be high in malignant breast epithelium. Expression of c-Kit decreased in the benign ductal epithelium and infiltrating duct cell carcinoma. There is a significant increase in the expression of c-Kit in the stromal cells as the lesions progressed from benign to malignant phyllodes tumor. Reduction in c-Kit expression in malignant breast lesions may suggest its carcinogenic role in the breast.
Conclusion: There is decrease in the expression of c-Kit was observed between benign ductal epithelium (92%) and infiltrating duct cell carcinoma. There is a significant increase in c-Kit expression observed in the stromal cells as the lesions progressed between benign (16.5%) and malignant phyllodes (50%).
Keywords: CD117(c-Kit), Benign ductal epithelium, malignant breast epithelium, Haematoxylin and Eosin staining.
How to cite : Manikanta V, Reddy V S K, Expression of stem cell growth factor receptor CD117 (C-Kit) in breast neoplasms. IP J Diagn Pathol Oncol 2018;3(2):55-59
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