Original Article
Author Details :
Volume : 3, Issue : 1, Year : 2018
Article Page : 18-21
Introduction: Thyroid nodules are a very common finding, with an annual incidence rate of 4-8%. Fine needle aspiration cytology (FNAC) is a helpful tool for initial diagnosis and workup of thyroid nodule due to its usefulness and cost effectiveness and lack of major complications.
Aims: 1) To study the spectrum and frequency of thyroid lesions and classify it according to Bethesda system for reporting thyroid cytology. (2) To study the correlation of these thyroid lesions with different age groups. (3) Comparing our data with different studies of literature.
Materials and Methods: This is a retrospective study conducted at department of pathology in tertiary care center from January 2015 to December 2015 that were referred to our cytopathology laboratory in this period. The data of 144 cases with enlarged thyroid gland were retrieved from past records. Thyroid lesions were classified according to Bethesda system of reporting.
Results: Out of 144 cases, Bethesda category I included 5 cases (3.4%), category II consisted of 128 cases (88.8%), [71 cases (49.3%) were benign follicular nodule type II, 33 cases(22.9%) were colloid nodule, 24 cases (16.6%) were hashimoto thyroiditis], category III (AUS/FLUS) consisted of 2 cases (1.3%), category IV (Follicular Neoplasm) included 5 cases(3.4%), category V (Suspicious of malignancy) included 1 case (0.6%), category VI (malignant) had 3 cases (2%). Male to female ratio was 0.09:1.
Conclusion: FNAC is safe and reliable method as first line evaluation in thyroid gland nodules. Thyroid lesions can be efficiently classified on cytology. The Bethesda system has proved helpful leading to reliable management.
Keywords: Cytology, Thyroid pathology, Bethesda system
How to cite : Nishal A, Hathila R, Dave D, Lotlikar R, Pattern and frequency of thyroid pathologies among thyroid cytology specimens: Our institutional experience. IP J Diagn Pathol Oncol 2018;3(1):18-21
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