Study of FNAC of salivary gland lesions in a tertiary care hospital

Original Article

Author Details : Kacharu T. Dalve, Sunil Y. Swami, Londhe U. Rutuja, Vikas V. Narhire, Arun P. Bakshi

Volume : 1, Issue : 2, Year : 2016

Article Page : 24-28

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Introduction: Salivary gland fine-needle aspiration cytology [FNAC] represents one of the most challenging areas of cytopathology due to wide range of lesions, both reactive and neoplastic that can be encountered in the salivary glands.
Aims and Objectives: The aim of this study was to find the spectrum of salivary gland lesions in rural population, to study clinico-cytological correlation and to compare the cytomorphological features of salivary gland lesions with data available in existing literature.
Material and Methods: FNAC was performed on 92 patients with the salivary gland lesions in the rural tertiary care hospital for the period of 21 months. Slides were prepared from the aspirate, stained by Papanicolaou and May-Grunwald Giemsa [MGG] stains and the cytomorphological features of the lesions were studied. Age and sex wise distribution of the salivary gland lesions along with the cytomorphological features were charted in the table format. Further, these lesions were classified as neoplastic and non-neoplastic categories and compared with the other studies.
Result and Conclusion: Male predominance was seen in our study. Benign neoplasms were common in the age group 41-50 years with pleomorphic adenoma as commonest tumor.  Malignancies were seen commonly in the age group 61-70 years with mucoepidermoid carcinoma as commonest malignancy.

Keywords: Salivary, Gland, Aspiration, Cytology

How to cite : Dalve K T, Swami S Y, Rutuja L U, Narhire V V, Bakshi A P, Study of FNAC of salivary gland lesions in a tertiary care hospital. IP J Diagn Pathol Oncol 2016;1(2):24-28

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