Original Article
Author Details :
Volume : 7, Issue : 2, Year : 2022
Article Page : 89-94
Introduction: Colorectal polyps are unusual growths of epithelial tissue projecting from the mucosaof the large bowel. This study aimed to evaluate the frequency of histological pattern of polyp among colorectal polypectomy specimen concerning age, sex, size, and site and histopathological features and associated dysplasia.
Materials and Methods: The study was done in the Pathology department in collaboration with the Gastroenterology Department on 115 patients. Biopsy was processed and histopathological features were studied with presence or absence of dysplasia.
Result: Most patients had constipation (40.87%) followed by rectal bleeding (40.00%) followed by pain abdomen and anemia. Male patients were 76(66.08%) followed by 39(33.91%) female patients. Among male patients most are of age range of 50-59yr (18.42%) and in females were of age range of 60-69yr. (25.64%). Grossly most polyp are of pedunculated shape (74.78%) followed by ulcerated type (13.04%) and least was of sessile appearance (12.17%). Most polyp were found in left side (descending colon: 40.87%) followed by rectum, ascending colon, sigmoid colon and transverse colon with least with caecum. Most Polyps size < 1> 1 cm (9.60%). Regarding the histopathological evaluation of polyp we have reported tubular adenoma (53.91%) followed by hyperplastic polyp (19.13%) followed by tubulovillous adenoma (13.04%). Most of the polyp showed no dysplasia (94.64%) and dysplasia if seen both in tubular adenoma and tubulovillous adenoma.
Conclusion: Colonoscopy is the most important tool in the detection of colonic polyp because of premalignant nature.
Keywords: Colonic Polyp, Tubular adenoma, Dysplasia.
How to cite : Kumar A, Giri S S, Singh S, Study of clinico-pathological characteristics of colonic polyp seen at a tertiary care hospital in East India. IP J Diagn Pathol Oncol 2022;7(2):89-94
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Received : 29-04-2022
Accepted : 30-04-2022
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