Original Article
Author Details :
Volume : 6, Issue : 4, Year : 2021
Article Page : 283-286
Background: Male breast cancer is a rare disease compared to female breast cancer. The reason of the low incidence rate in men is the relatively low amount of breast tissue along with the difference in their hormonal environment. Even though breast tissue is less in men as compared to women, the factors that influence malignant changes are similar. The rare nature of disease and lack of surveillance system for male breast cancer it makes a difficult disease to study. Present study was carried out to understand clinipathological features of male breast lesions.
Materials and Methods: A retrospective descriptive study was carried out in a tertiary care center for 5yeras duration (Jan 2014 to Dec 2018) at pathology department. Demographic, history and histopathological details of male breast lesion were retrieved from database at pathology department.
Results: Median age of cases was 58.34+6.67yrs and range of 54-80years. Very few had family history of breast cancer. Alcoholism, obesity and chronic liver disease were risk factors. Most of them were diagnosed as gynecomastia on histopathology findings. One case of phylloid tumor.
Conclusion: Changing lifestyle and environmental condition may rise MBC in the future, understanding epidemiology and pathology is need of time for early diagnosis and management.
Keywords: Breast, Lesion, Male, Pathology, Risk
How to cite : Gaikwad M J, Rathod K B, Chaudhari A, Nakate L A, Clinicopathological study of male breast lesion at a tertiary care in western India (Maharashtra). IP J Diagn Pathol Oncol 2021;6(4):283-286
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Received : 11-11-2021
Accepted : 13-11-2021
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