Original Article
Author Details :
Volume : 6, Issue : 3, Year : 2021
Article Page : 182-188
Background: To evaluate the common etiologies and bleeding manifestations in patients of thrombocytopenia and its clinical presentation, methods of investigation, and impact of various modes of management.
Materials and Methods: Total 104 patients with platelet count less than l00,000 per cu.mm. with age, more than 12 years admitted to hospital between January 2010 to October 2011 were included in this study. Platelet count on automated cell counter less than 100,000 per cu.mm. and confirmed in peripheral smear were included in the study. All EDTA samples were processed in Abacus junior 5 hematology Analyser. Peripheral blood smear review was done for all cases. Clinical history and physical examination were collected from patients and medical record files.
Results: The present study included 56 male patients and 48 female patients. The most common bleeding manifestation was petechial rash 8.6%, hemoptysis and traumatic bleeding account for 1.9 % each, whereas 74% of patients did not present with any bleeding issues. Total 66 patients presented with symptoms of fever, 73 had signs of pallor, 22 patients had splenomegaly, 16 patients had hepatomegaly. Total 37.5% of patients were diagnosed with malaria and 1 patient (0.96%) was diagnosed with plasma cell leukemia. Chronic liver disease, megaloblastic anaemia, ITP (Idiopathic thrombocytopenia) and chronic renal failure account for 9.6%, 13.4%, 5.7% and 3.8% respectively. Total 16 patients had platelet counts less than 20000/cu.mm. and 37 patients had platelet count between 60000-80000/cu.mm. Malaria (39 patients) was the major cause of thrombocytopenia. Out of 39 patients with malaria 10 patients had P. Falciparum, 27 had P. Vivax and 2 patients had both.
Conclusion: Patients with a platelet count less than 100,000/cu.mm have very high chances of bleeding manifestation. Cutaneous bleed is the most common manifestation. Malaria can be present with signs of thrombocytopenia. Timely and accurate diagnosis is the key to the management of thrombocytopenia.
Keywords: Thrombocytopenia, Malaria, Cutaneous Bleeding, Platelet Count.
How to cite : Patel S, Sinha A, Evaluation of thrombocytopenia: A single-center experience. IP J Diagn Pathol Oncol 2021;6(3):182-188
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Received : 23-06-2021
Accepted : 02-07-2021
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