Original Article
Author Details :
Volume : 6, Issue : 1, Year : 2021
Article Page : 47-50
Background & Methods: 400 consecutive blood samples of pregnant women’s as study group and 400 consecutive blood samples of non-pregnant women’s as control group, were included in the study. Each blood sample was mixed well and then approximately 20 L was aspirated by allowing the analyzer’s sampling probe into the blood sample and depressing the start button. Results of the analysis were displayed after about 30 seconds, after which the analyzer generated a paper copy of the results on thermal printing paper.
Study Designed: Observational Study.
Result: Significant difference was seen between the pairs first trimester - second trimester; and second trimester - third trimester, while non-significant difference was seen between first trimester – third trimester pair. One-Way ANOVA test was used. F value = 16.09, P value = 0.000, Significant The F value obtained was 16.09 with a P value of < 0>
Conclusions: More direct dependence on hemoglobin for pregnant women in their second and third trimesters, along with a more aggressive approach to the level of iron stores at which iron supplementation should be prescribed. The references provided in this study should prove useful for diagnostic and research purposes.
Keywords: Neutrophils, Pregnant & Pathophysiological.
How to cite : Agarwal P , Kaur D , To analyse pattern of changes in neutrophils specifically in pregnant women and compare with healthy non pregnant women, so that it can be establish as surrogate marker of impending pathophysiological changes during pregnancy. IP J Diagn Pathol Oncol 2021;6(1):47-50
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Received : 09-01-2021
Accepted : 14-01-2021
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