Case Report
Author Details :
Volume : 5, Issue : 4, Year : 2020
Article Page : 438-440
A 46 year old multiparous female belonging to lower socioeconomic strata came to the Gynaecology outpatient department with complaint of something bulging out from vagina since last 4 months, which used to bleed on touch. Local examination revealed presence of a polypoidal structure in vagina. The patient underwent polypectomy surgery, which was uneventful. Excised polyp was sent for histopathological examination. Microscopic examination showed presence of chorionic villi having retained RBC’s with cistern formation in few along with polar trophoblastic proliferation. Patient gave history of expulsion of grape like structure at home two years back without follow up, when she was asked a leading question after microscopic examination. The case was reported as metastatic hydatidiform mole after consultation with the concerned clinician with advice of follow up and see the status of other organs. The reported unusual case highlights the importance of dialogue between clinician and pathologist, relevant
history taking for a correct diagnosis, appropriate treatment approach, and follow up of the patient for prognostication. This unusual presentation of metastatic hydatidiform mole is sparsely reported in the English literature.
Keywords: Hydatidiform mole, Vaginal, Polyp, Metastatic.
How to cite : Bhadani P P, Bhadani U K, Swati, Hydatidiform mole presented as vaginal polyp: An uncommon and unusual case report with review of literature. IP J Diagn Pathol Oncol 2020;5(4):438-440
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