Case Report
Author Details :
Volume : 5, Issue : 4, Year : 2020
Article Page : 430-433
SATB2 is a nuclear protein that plays a critical role in osteoblast lineage commitment. Diagnosing extra skeletal osteosarcomas at rare sites can be quite challenging as it might mimic hyalinized stroma. The utility of SATB2 expression in osteosarcomas and other bone and soft tissue tumours is an useful adjunct to histopathology in diagnosing these rare lesions. A 69 year old male, presented with scrotal swelling since 8 months. He underwent left sided orchidectomy because of the clinical suspicion of malignancy. Macroscopy revealed a solid mass in the para testicular tissue with no involvement of the testicular tissue. Cut surface is whitish, firm and homogenous. Microscopy showed malignant soft tissue tumor with areas showing osteoid differentiation and SAT B2 helped in confirmation of diagnosis by highlighting the osteoblastic nature of cells. Hence a diagnosis of Primary extra skeletal paratesticular osteosarcomas was made.
Keywords: SATB2, Scrotum, Extra skeletal osteosarcoma, Paratesticular sarcoma.
How to cite : Sharma K, Kaler A K, SAT B2 a novel diagnostic adjunct in a rare presentation of extra skeletal osteosarcoma of scrotum. IP J Diagn Pathol Oncol 2020;5(4):430-433
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