Review Article
Author Details :
Volume : 5, Issue : 3, Year : 2020
Article Page : 241-250
Over the year’s world had seen mainly viral outbreak, some of them became epidemic and others pandemic. Recent outbreak of COVID-19 is one of the examples. The present work is a review on the different viral outbreaks that took place in the history. Review mainly focuses on the outbreak caused by coronavirus family that comes under superfamily of Nidovirus. Here we have described in detail about the genetic composition of different corona viruses like Middle East Respiratory Syndrome-Corona- Virus (MERSCoV), severe acute respiratory syndrome-corona-virus (SARS-CoV) and Novel corona virus (COVID-19) along with their mode of spread and their effect on the human population. This work explains the about the research that either has been done or going on for the management and treatment of the disease. COVID-19 being the recent outbreak, a detail about its origin, cause, symptoms, transmission and its effect on the economy as well as environment has been explained here.
Keywords: Pandemic, Coronavirus, Nidovirus, COVID19.
How to cite : Dutta S , Mishra S P, Sahu A K, Mishra K, A brief review on history, transmission and management of corona virus outbreaks. IP J Diagn Pathol Oncol 2020;5(3):241-250
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