Case Report
Author Details :
Volume : 5, Issue : 2, Year : 2020
Article Page : 220-222
Plasma cell myeloma is characterized by monoclonal proliferation of plasma cells, causing destructive
bone lesions and other systemic manifestations. The disease spans a clinical spectrum from asymptomatic
to highly aggressive disease. M protein caused by myeloma cells results in type III ABO discrepancy, in
which rouleaux formation can be misinterpreted as agglutination. We present a case of a 54year old male
admitted in our hospital with breathlessness, severe pallor and fever. Blood transfusions were advised as
the haemoglobin was low. Initially there was a discrepancy between forward and reverse grouping which
resolved with saline washes. On further investigations like peripheral smear and bone marrow examination,
the patient was diagnosed as a case of plasma cell myeloma. In our case the blood grouping revealed type
III ABO discrepancy which upon further investigation was found to be a case of plasma cell myeloma.
Key Messages: Plasma cell myeloma has varied presentations. In our case, the patient presented with severe
anaemia, plasma cells in peripheral blood and type III ABO discrepancy. Rouleaux formation should not
be interpreted as agglutination. Careful vigilance by technicians in blood bank and thorough knowledge
regarding various discrepancies will help in the management of the patient.
Keywords: ABO discrepancy, Agglutination, Anaemia, Plasma cell myeloma, Rouleaux.
How to cite : Ramya C, Renuka I V, Rizwana S, Sowjanya K K, Type III ABO discrepancy aiding in diagnosis of multiple myeloma. IP J Diagn Pathol Oncol 2020;5(2):220-222
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