Original Article
Author Details :
Volume : 5, Issue : 2, Year : 2020
Article Page : 215-219
Background: Polycystic Ovarian syndrome (PCOS) is aheterogeneous disorder characterized by systemic
dysfunctions and hormonal imbalance causing many morbidities. The incidence is on higher margin
especially among Tropical Countries the major reason being inadequate awareness and knowledge about the
disease condition. Studies available on PCOS focusses only on clinical diagnostics rather than reassuring
awareness to combat the condition
Aims & Objectives: To assess and analyse the knowledge, attitude and awareness towards Polycystic
Ovarian Syndrome among women of South East coastal population of India
Materials and Methods: The study included 150 participants and analysed multiple parameters including
sociodemographic profile, knowledge and awareness in a validated questionnaire format.
Results: Among the participants, the awareness on PCOS is still below the expected margin with similar
results on knowledge and attitude on practices.
Conclusion: The present study observed that the current level of awareness on PCOS among the South-
Eastern population is still in low key though relatively better than past decades and emphasizes the need to
health education and awareness programmes to be incorporated in educational system improve to combat
the low knowledge among rural population especially utilizing different sources, targeted approach to
provide clear, appropriate and tangible information and preventive measures.
Keywords: Polycystic ovarian syndrome, Awareness, Knowledge, Questionnaire.
How to cite : Vaithy.k A, Samal R, Shanmugasamy K, Umadevi K R, Knowledge, attitude and awareness towardspolycystic ovarian syndrome among women of south east coastal population of India. IP J Diagn Pathol Oncol 2020;5(2):215-219
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