Case Report
Author Details :
Volume : 5, Issue : 1, Year : 2020
Article Page : 102-103
Warty dyskeratoma is a rare epidermal tumor which occurs in middle aged or older persons, clinically
manifests as papule or nodule and involves head and neck region in most of the cases. 65y F presented
to the OPD with complaint of nodular swelling over the right cheek with itching for 15 years. On clinical
examination patient had 3x1.8 cm nodule, firm in consistency, mobile, with ulceration over tumor. Routine
investigations were within normal limits and Fine Needle Aspiration Cytology was reported as suspicious
of malignancy. Histopathology of excised mass revealed hyperkeratotic, parakeratotic and acanthotic
epidermis show large multiple invaginations comprising of lacunae along with villi formation. Stratum
corneum and upper malpighi layer shows abundant dyskeratotic acantholytic cells. As per literature these
changes are usually noticed in single hair follicle. Here we describe a rare case of warty dyskeratoma with
multiple adjacent hair follicles involvement.
Keywords: Warty dyskeratoma, Cup shaped invagination.
How to cite : Bala N, Gupta N, Singh N, Nandan G, Sachdeva M, Warty dyskeratoma; A rare entity with involvement of multiple adjoining follicles. IP J Diagn Pathol Oncol 2020;5(1):102-103
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