Case Report
Author Details :
Volume : 5, Issue : 1, Year : 2020
Article Page : 99-101
Scrotal calcinosis is a rare benign disease, which presents as multiple, painless, hard nodular growth in
the scrotum without any systemic metabolic disorder. Histologic features of the lesion are extensive
dermal deposits of calcium, with associated lympho-histiocytic aggregates and focal foreign body giant
cell reaction. The pathogenetic mechanisms could be either purely idiopathic or any form of dystrophic
calcification of the lining epithelial cysts or any inflammatory process with subsequent rupture, calcification
and obliteration of the cyst wall. We present a rare case report of a 23-year-old male, who presented to the
general surgery clinic with complaints of multiple, firm to hard scrotal swellings for the last 6 months.
Microscopic examination of the excised growth showed multiple cysts with foci of normal and inflamed
lining, with luminal calcific material with foci of ‘naked’ calcium deposits in the dermis. Biochemical tests
showed normal values of serum calcium and phosphorus levels in our patient.
Keywords: Scrotum, Biochemical, Calcinosis, Histopathology.
How to cite : Akhtar K, Warsi S , Rab A Z, Sherwani R K, Scrotal Calcinosis mimicking malignancy - A rare case presentation. IP J Diagn Pathol Oncol 2020;5(1):99-101
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